
Where documents meet dialogue, and smart tools streamline your day. Turn clutter into clarity, in real-time, effortlessly. We're all about crafting smart context-aware tools that are in tune with your work environment, stepping in to take on the routine tasks that have a knack of swallowing up your day and keep you from doing what you do best. From chatting to your documents across platforms like Google Drive, Notion, Figma, and Hubspot, to serving you handy summaries and timely updates, LotseAI is the extra set of hands you've always needed.

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Introducing, LotseAI for businesses

Introducing LotseAI: Where documents meet dialogue and your workspace is enlightened. Dive into a world where smart tools streamline your day, turning clutter into clarity. With LotseAI, you can confidently retrieve information as it syncs with your data and always cites its sources. Lost a document? Just ask Lotse. Boost its power by integrating with over 100 platforms, including Notion, Google Docs, Hubspot, and Figma, ensuring it adapts to your unique workflow. Product Managers can rejoice as Lotse handles the busy work, eliminating the majority of stakeholder questions with its Augmented Retrieval Engine. Plus, with agents that do more than just summarize documents, you can redefine productivity and unlock limitless task automation potential. Experience a tailored tool that offers personalized performance, making all your company knowledge and vendor details available in an instant.

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